Wednesday, May 12, 2010


For years before we started Weight Watchers my husband & I had been drinking skim milk, also called fat-free (don't be fooled they're the same thing.) The switch came from previous attempts at weight loss after being happy led to the inevitable being fat.  Suffice to say, it didn't help much at all because we didn't drink much milk to begin with & the problem was with our portion control.

Regardless, we just stuck with the fat-free skim milk because we had acquired a taste for it.  Eventually I took into consideration my husband's genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance & tried switching to soy milk (hubby didn't like the taste,) Lactaid Fat-Free (hubby thought it tasted funny,) & now I have discovered almond milk.

When it was first introduced on the market, I didn't even consider it because of how high calorie nuts are.  Some friends at a party shared some with us & the taste wasn't as terrifying as I had thought.  I didn't think twice about it until I was at the store & needed milk.  I humored my curiosity by checking the Facts on the Blue Diamond Unsweetened Vanilla almond milk, & to my extreme surprise it had HALF the calories of fat-free skim milk. Even though it did have 3.5g of fat (vs. the 0g of skim,) it tallied up to being 1 point less per serving.  I was immediately sold.

Drinking it plain would definitely take some getting used to, but it is delicious in cereal (Fruit Loops w/ Fiber FTW!!!) It can be used for cooking as well! Hubby said it tastes different... so maybe he'll warm up to it eventually - but he liked it in his breakfast, so that's a start!


  1. I know a lot of people like almond milk, but I just can't do it. I've tried a lot of the different grain milks, and this one I just couldn't get used to.

    But I'm glad you found something that works for you. I might have to give it another try, though we really like our rice milk at home.

  2. I have never tried rice milk. It kinda freaks me out. LOL, but I'm sure it's not any worse than soy or almond milk. I was just overjoyed by the notion of a milk that was half the calories & points of the milk I had been drinking. Even soy milk isn't as low calorie as the almond. The unsweetened is a bit harsh, I couldn't find sweetened where I was though, so maybe next time.
